“Emma Watson’s Big Day: An Unforgettable Graduation With a Surprising Twist”

Protection: Emma Watson (centre) was accompanied by an undercover armed police guard (left) as she graduated from Brown University on Sunday

Emma Watson had an armed police guard accompany her as she collected her degree from Brown University on Sunday. The protection was discreetly provided to ensure her safety during the event.

Extra security: The policewoman (left) wore a pink shirt and blue jeans, which her police badge was attached to, but she later blended in with the graduates by changing into a traditional cap and gown

Extra Protection: The female police officer initially sported a casual pink shirt and blue jeans, with her badge prominently displayed. However, to better blend in with the graduates, she later switched into a traditional cap and gown.

Looking on: The guard sat to Emma's right during the ceremony, while the star's mother Jacqueline Luesby sat to her left

Taking in the scene, Emma had the guard positioned on her right side throughout the ceremony, while her mother Jacqueline Luesby was seated to her left.

Undercover: The policewoman looked just like a normal graduate in the traditional cap and gown

Masked: The female officer seamlessly blended in with the other graduates, wearing a classic graduation outfit.

Proud: Emma's mother looked to be thoroughly enjoying the ceremony in Rhode Island

Emma’s mother seemed to be enjoying the Rhode Island ceremony and was brimming with pride.

Graduation day: The guard kept a watchful eye on Emma's whereabouts as they strolled around the educational facility

As Emma strolled around the campus on her graduation day, the guard kept a close eye on her, monitoring her every move.

Here she comes: The British actress, best known as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies, was among the 2,000 graduates receiving degrees from Brown University on Sunday

Guess who just showed up? The renowned British actress, best known for her iconic portrayal of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series, was among the 2,000 graduates who received a degree from Brown University this past Sunday.

All smiles: Emma wore a slick of pillar box lipstick for the day which accentuated her beaming smile

Emma looked absolutely stunning with her captivating smile enhanced by a bold shade of pillar box lipstick. She exuded confidence and joy, spreading positivity to everyone around her.

Star appeal: The star enjoyed a laugh and a joke with her fellow graduates during the ceremony

The famous individual had a delightful time sharing some laughs and jokes with her classmates at the graduation ceremony.

Special day: The actress graduated from Brown University in Rhode Island on Sunday

Exciting news update: The talented actress proudly strutted across the stage to accept her diploma from Brown University in Rhode Island just this past Sunday.

Long time coming:  The 24-year-old started at Brown in 2009, the same year she was named the highest-grossing actress of the decade by the Guinness Book of World Records

Long time coming:  The 24-year-old started at Brown in 2009, the same year she was named the highest-grossing actress of the decade by the Guinness Book of World Records

It’s been a long time: In 2009, she was named the highest-earning actress of the decade by Guinness World Records. The now 24-year-old began her studies at Brown University.

What now? Emma will continue building on her flourishing film career having graduated from Brown University

So, what does the future hold for Emma? Well, after graduating from Brown University, she is all set to continue developing her already thriving film career.

Non-stop: Watson had a busy film career during her time as a student, releasing both parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, This is the End, and the recent Biblical epic Noah

Watson had a busy film career during her time as a student, releasing both parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, This is the End, and the recent Biblical epic Noah

During her time as a student, Watson built a successful acting career in movies. She appeared in various films, including multiple Harry Potter installments and The Perks of Being a Wallflower, This is the End, and the recent biblical epic Noah.

Clever girl: Emma graduated with a bachelor's degree in English literature from the Ivy League university in Rhode Island

Emma, the intelligent young woman, successfully earned a bachelor’s degree in English literature from a prestigious Ivy League university located in Rhode Island.

My moment: Emma joined her peers at the graduation in Rhode Island on Sunday

My moment: Emma joined her peers at the graduation in Rhode Island on Sunday

My Experience: Emma attended the graduation ceremony with her classmates in Rhode Island last Sunday.

Brunette locks: When Emma wasn't wearing her cap, the star's tresses had a mind of their own

Emma’s rich, dark brown hair seemed to have a personality all its own whenever she wasn’t wearing her hat.

Home soil: Emma spent part of her degree studying in her native Britain at Oxford University

Emma decided to pursue her academic journey by studying at the prestigious Oxford University in her home country.

Big day: Watson, accustomed to treading red carpets, will today be one of 2,000 students walking across the podium to receive her degree in English literature from Brown

Exciting news! Watson, a seasoned veteran of the red carpet, will be joining 2,000 fellow graduates today as she receives her English literature degree from Brown University.

Happy day: Emma Watson flashes a million-dollar smile the moment she officially graduates from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island

Happy day: Emma Watson flashes a million-dollar smile the moment she officially graduates from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island

Emma Watson joyfully celebrates a special moment as she proudly displays a million-dollar smile upon receiving her degree from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.

Actress: This March 26, 2014 file photo shows actress Emma Watson at the premiere of 'Noah,' in New York

Celebrity spotlight: Emma Watson graced the red carpet at the New York premiere of ‘Noah’ on March 26, 2014, as captured in this photograph.

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